Tuesday, June 26, 2012

S is for Summer

S might be for summer, but it's pretty obvious that the Pacific Northwest has NOT gotten the memo that it is, in fact, summer time. It's been summer for a full week, and we've still been getting rain off and on almost daily.

But, since it is summer, that means that I'm once again on summer break. As a "blogger" (yes, I put this in quotations because I've failed miserably at blogging, haha) this means that I can resume by "blogging." As a teacher, this is a total blessing. As a substitute teacher, this is somewhat of a curse. Don't get me wrong, I love having a summer break, even though I'm no longer a student, but when you're a substitute teacher, that means no paycheck. Yikes! I guess this is where Josh and I find out how well we can budget a brand new mortgage (more on that later) on one income. Let me tell you, it'll be so.much.fun. Kidding. It will probably suck, and we know that, but we'll work with it. Since I've been MIA for so long, let me fill you in on some exciting happenings:

I have another niece! Her name is Tylinn, and she is so sweet and beautiful. She was born in December, and we were lucky enough to make it up to Tacoma in time for her to be born and see my younger brother, Kody's giddy, tear-filled announcement that they had a girl. Kody and Emily are one of those few couples that didn't learn the sex of their baby ahead of time. Not by choice, but it worked out well.

Here's a cute picture of her, my other niece Avery, and my step-daughter Lily: The Cousins
Photo taken by Grandma A.
And a more recent one:
Photo taken by the Momma, Emily
If you're wondering whether or not a new little baby has given me the baby fever, you can put your money on "yes." Well, that's a half truth. I kind of already had it.

My other happening.....

Let's not talk about the macaroni and cheese color (which you can't really tell in this picture) with the sage green trim right now. That is definitely going to change. How soon? I'm not sure at this point. Our priorities currently are: finishing our office space, planting new grass, and finding a dining table to fill up our dining room. So for now, the painting will be put on hold. We're so excited, though, and we had an amazing realtor and amazing mortgage broker that we worked with. God truly blessed us with the people we needed to get into a house. We looked at 8 total houses, and made offers on 3, so I'd say it went pretty well! We're in a super quiet neighborhood, with good schools, and a park close by. We rode our bikes to it this past weekend. Lily kept telling us how funny it is to see adults play on playgrounds. But, Josh and I are kind of just big kids (him more than me *wink) so I think she better get used to it!

I just heard Josh pull into the driveway, so I'm going to be done for now. But, I'm planning another post, and I might just start doing kind of a theme thing for Mondays called Crock Pot Mondays. I'll explain in my post about it, so be watching for it.

I'm baaaaa-aaaaaaack blogging world! I'm also a big dork.


Stephanie said...

You totally had baby fever before that baby came along! HAHA! P.S. I look at that picture of her and wonder why Kody is wearing a flowered shirt. : )

Amy said...

I know I had baby fever. And I probably will until I have my own baby. And Tylinn definitely looks like Kody in that picture!