Sunday, July 8, 2012

B is for Books

4 Books 
*I'm choosing 4 that I think can be beneficial to anyone. Really, give them a try :)
1) The Bible. I know it sounds cliche, but it's my lifeline. It didn't used to be, but as I get older, I realize I learn so much from it.
2) Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge. 

3) Love and Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs

4) Jesus Calling by Sarah Young
Jesus Calling

Thursday, July 5, 2012

F is for Foods

5 Foods
1) Sushi. I love love love LOVE sushi. So much.
2) Mexican. Authentic or not, I love it the same.
3) Spaghetti. It's my go-to when I don't know what else to make.
4) Steak.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

W is for Wants, P is for Places

So this time, not posting on the right day is really silly, because I actually had it done a day early. Oh well.... Here are Days 4 and 5 (together).

7 Wants
1) To love and be loved.
2) To be successful. Whatever that means.
3) An office space in my house. We're working on it, and I promise, I'll post pictures of the process and finished product.
4) Green grass. Our's is currently brownish, with thousands of weeds. We're working on that too.
5) To go on a shopping spree. If only money grew on trees.
6) To be healthier. I somehow lost sight of what is important to me in the past few years: mentally, physically, emotionally. But, good news, I'm working on that too. Slowly but surely I'm getting back on track.
7) A dog. Preferably one like this:
Photo borrowed from Ivy Hill

Pretty Please?

6 Places
1) I'm currently obsessed with my neighborhood. Today my neighborhood had a 4th of July Kids Parade. There were more people in the parade than watching the parade, which made it all the more fantastic. I saw students I used to work with, the Superintendent of Vancouver Public Schools, a principal I've worked with, and my dentist - Dr. Adam, all IN the parade. I also saw the Skinner family, a former co-worker of Josh's, and many others. I think the best was Dr. Adam marching along in the parade, seeing as how he's about 7 feet tall.
2) Salmon Creek Trail is gorgeous and so fun to walk/ride.
3) Maui. I'm missing it like crazy. Josh, let's go back?
4) Seattle. We're coming up on our 2 year anniversary. Josh proposed on the lookout deck at the Space Needle, so it will forever be a special city to us.
5) The Oregon Coast. I love the beach!
6) Portland. Who doesn't love Portland? Plus, I just saw on Kathie Lee and Hoda that it has the most Happy Hours. I think that's what they said anyway. I just remember them being surprised that it was Portland and not somewhere on the East Coast. Obviously they haven't spent much time in P-town.

Monday, July 2, 2012

L is for Loves...and F is for Fears

I failed already at that 10 Day You I'll make up for it by doing Days 2 and 3 in one post.
9 Loves
1) God. With everything I have.
2) My husband, Josh. He is a rock, works ridiculously hard at work (and comes home to work even more most days), and is a Godly man who seeks after the Lord. He's also a loving father who cares deeply for his family and friends.
3) My family...every single one of those crazies! Just kidding, they're not that crazy.
4) My friends.
5) Laughing.
6) The Pacific Northwest.
7) Reading
8) The Olympics...I've been obsessed with the trials these last few weeks. Can't wait for the actual Games to start!
9) Home projects with Josh. I first discovered that I loved remodeling projects when Josh asked me to help him on a couple side jobs he was doing for friends. He taught me to demo, drywall, tile, and all about different tools. I've learned more about plumbing than most 27 year old women will probably ever know in their lifetimes. He and I work ridiculously well together on house projects, and we're so excited to finally have our own house to do projects on. Your own projects are much more fun than others' projects!

8 Fears
1) Being alone. Not alone for a day, but alone for a lifetime.
2) Spiders. I don't know if this is necessarily a fear, but I really really really hate spiders. And I don't usually use the word "hate" because it's a nasty word that's used too much.
3) The dark. Yes, I'm afraid of the dark.
4) Rejection.
5) Losing loved ones.
6) Failing at teaching.
7) Scary movies.
8) Never really knowing myself.